On-premises analytics to stop errors in their tracks
OMNIS is a 1RU rackmount appliance designed to manage and monitor LED display systems 24/7, resolving issues in real time and aggregating billions of pixels into a single dashboard view.
OMNIS sends notifications to alert technical staff of issues in real time, with clear action items on-site. Logging and tagging helps teams track and troubleshoot too.
OMNIS offers rapid diagnostic tools to synchronize large and varied systems and pinpoint alerts to minimize troubleshooting – built by techs for techs.
OMNIS sends notifications to alert technical staff of issues in real time, with clear action items on-site. Logging and tagging helps teams track and troubleshoot too.
Combine with CLOUD for remote access anywhere in the world.
Monitor hundreds of processors at a time, view signal integrity and cable order of LED tiles, and see real-time status of all display elements – including serial numbers, firmware versions, processor status, and input signal formats.
OMNIS offers a constant real-time health map of the entire display system, including a thermal map to provide heat data for display devices across any number of systems.
Timestamped event logging is available for fault detection and resolution, flagging issues and deviations across all connected devices and tiles in a user-friendly view.
OMNIS is compatible with projection, video routers, SNMP-based networking, smart power systems, and more.
OMNIS monitors panels as they pass QC to be certain of the final product quality, as well as reviewing gear history to ensure equipment gets the attention it needs.
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