Megapixel CLOUD

Cloud-Powered Control of Your Entire LED Fleet

Introducing CLOUD: Megapixel’s new web-based LED management platform. Designed for large format LED deployments in corporate, fixed installation, and broadcast markets, CLOUD delivers comprehensive monitoring and analytics to meet real-time AV system requirements at scale, from anywhere in the world.

Control From Anywhere

Manage and monitor your entire AV ecosystem wherever you are. Easily connect and control HELIOS and OMNIS via the web, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

Reduce Operational Costs

Reduce onsite maintenance costs and empower your team with valuable, real-time insights that save precious time when every minute counts.

Scale Without Worry

Operate, monitor, and control LED displays anywhere in the world. Get peace of mind from real-time health and error data at a glance, so you can resolve issues quickly.

System Monitoring
Real-time monitoring with analytics built in.

Monitor system health and get instant alerts right to your inbox.

Create dashboards for insightful, real-time data visualizations.

Remote Connect
Connect and control displays remotely from anywhere with ease.

Discover CLOUD

Ready to transform your AV management?
See what CLOUD can do for you.